We are Ecoscope
ESF is a non – profit, non-governmental, voluntary and non-partisan organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act No. 24/2002 in the United Republic of Tanzania with registration number 00NGO/R/5380.
Since our inception we have been working hard to Support the national Development Agenda and Sustainable Development goals.
We do this through advocacy and awareness raising, research and Publications, community engagement, outreach programs as well as stakeholders’ capacity enhancement with the view to alleviate poverty, promote self-reliance and creating equal spaces individuals can accessing equally the economic rights and opportunities in Tanzania.
Our programs
Women Enhancement Window (WEW):
This is program is designed to promote and protect the women’s economic rights focusing on gender, women’s economic participation, violence against women, improving women’s economic opportunity accessibility etc. The objective of this program is to improve the status of women. It aims to organize women in groups and enable them to take part in the development activities by educating them through awareness and advocacy programs, capacity building and empowerment program. It also aims to provide them opportunities to acquire various
Social enterprise skills, micro-business management and marketing for their social and economical empowerment. Again it aims at providing them awareness on organized crimes
Youth Responsiveness Window (YRW):
The Objectives of this program is to raise the concerns of youth with an aim to provide them a platform where they finds the solutions of their problems, regarding different issues particularly unemployment, economic opportunities, digital opportunities, youth associated risks and to exchange ideas and skills to strengthen their networking. This program also aims to promote self-reliance education and awareness with school and university students and out of school youth, Promotion of Interactive spaces to increase youth participation for the advocacy and awareness in the area of financial inclusion. Sensitize policy makers to make youth friendly policies through Advocacy Campaigns. This programs intends to protect youth from potential social damages by capacitating them and training on social hazardous including digital and physical indicators. Through this window we intend to ensure that youth have equal access and knows well their economic opportunities, rights and process and are free from organized crimes.
Victim Empowerment Window (VEW):
The objective of this program is to enhance the complete restoration process to victims of community violence including gender, abuse, isolation, trafficking by training them and providing them with the support to start their new journey of hope in life. As you will find some are homeless etc. We live with victims who have suffered and badly affected from different levels of stigmatization. We build from the existing path roads and work closely with stakeholders and the government to strengthen and protect them from getting back. Large percentage has been exposed to those situation due to extreme poverty. We enhance them tackle the financial obstacle and sustain their lives.